Elize clinics

Elize clinic

Aging black spots

Aging black spots is a common skin growth. It may look worrisome, but it is benign (not cancer). These growths often appear in middle-aged and older adults. They are not contagious. Most often seborrheic keratoses start as small, rough bumps. Then slowly they thicken and get a warty surface. They range in color from white to black. These lesions can be removed using Co2 laser in a single session.

Acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is a brown to black, poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is usually found in body folds,[1] such as the posterior and lateral folds of the neck, the armpits, groin, navel, forehead, and other areas. AN is a visible marker which strongly suggests insulin resistance. Higher than normal insulin levels in the blood stream cause the growth of darkened skin over certain areas of the body. The majority of cases of acanthosis nigricans are associated with obesity and otherwise idiopathic. It is treated with oral medications, creams and Tixel ablation of the pigment.

Skin tags

A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Skin tags are not dangerous. They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, or in the groin area. . These can be removed in a single sitting using Co2 laser.


Xanthelasma are yellow plaques that occur most commonly near the inner canthus of the eyelid, more often on the upper lid than the lower lid. Xanthelasma palpebrarum is the most common cutaneous xanthoma. Xanthelasma can be soft, semisolid, or calcareous. Frequently, they are symmetrical; often, 4 lids are involved. Xanthelasma have a tendency to progress, coalesce, and become permanent. These can be removed in single session using Co2 laser which is an OP procedure.


Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (also known as DPN) is characterized by small brown or black spots that are on the skin around the cheekbones and eyes. The dark spots may also be found on other areas of the face, neck, chest, and back. The spots are neither cancerous nor medically concerning, but they may be itchy, irritating, or cosmetically undesired. These lesions can be removed by Co2 laser in a single sitting.
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