Elize clinics

Elize clinic


Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts and PRP. It is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment aimed at diminishing problem areas on the face and body. Mesotherapy treatment can be used for face, neck and under eye rejuvenation and also for common concerns such as hair thinning, stretch mark etc.

Mesotherapy solutions can stimulate the fibroblast cell in the skin to produce more collagen to combat the signs of ageing. Amongst the list of skin-friendly ingredients injected are growth factors, peptides, antioxidants and trace elements that provide the ideal environment for healthy skin that copes with the ageing process better.


“Some mesotherapy ‘cocktails’ are formulated with ingredients that help to reduce unwanted pigmentation by controlling the rate of pigment production by the melanocyte in the skin. This can be an effective treatment for certain forms of sunspots and melasma.”

Mesotherapy can also be used to fade acne marks and scars over time, particularly if your skin surface is pitted, like hyaluronic acid with the solution helps to create volume in the skin, while other antioxidants and amino acids have an anti-inflammatory effect that encourages healing.


“A relatively new area of mesotherapy is the treatment of hair loss where microinjections into the scalp improve hair production from the follicle. By stimulating blood flow and providing essential nutrients, the hair follicle is encouraged to produce stronger, denser hair growth.”

Multiple sessions are required to get to the hair growth stage, however, and it’s normally an ongoing treatment- you’ll generally require follow-up maintenance appointments, so it’s not a cheap and easy fix by any means. That said, the fact that it’s non-invasive and requires no downtime is a plus.
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